Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs by Judi Barrett

Chewandswallow is a compound word.  A Compound word is made by combining two or more words 
together.  Make compound words by combining words from the two lists below.

What  _______________________________walk
Ham   _______________________________west
Out    _______________________________ever
Some _______________________________time
North         _______________________________side
Side   _______________________________house

Put the food words in alphabetical order.

Potatoes _______________________________
Broccoli  _______________________________
Jell-O     _______________________________
Eggs       _______________________________
Ketchup _______________________________
Hamburgers   _______________________________

The extra food was a problem for the people in Chewandswallow.  What could you build with extra 
hamburgers and pancakes?  Is there another solution to their problem?  Write at least two sentences 
to tell your answer.





Challenge: On the back, put these words in ABC order: 
pepper, peas, potatoes, pulp, peanut, pasta, pancake.

Worksheet copyright 2009, may be reproduced.